Alana CAMUS HOLLAND, original vocalist, lyricist & composer 
		/ chanteuse novatrice, parolière & compositrice.
Wave / Vague.
Anchor / Ancre.
Albatros / Albatros.


English flag / Drapeau anglais

The website

You can listen to the extracts of the albums:

1-Pure heart, misty capes (a closer range),

2-Long regards (a closer range),

3-Counselling humours (by a closer range),

4-New seasons' anchorage (within range gets closer),

5-Thirteen blooms have convened (from the lasting range),

6-There are further proofs (off the range),

7-Clear waves for a last bunch,

8-Some unbounded journeys.

For more details, see the Discography menu.
The songs' lyrics in English and in French are all on line.

Send me an e-mail

You can write me in both languages: English or French.



This site would have been impossible to shape without faithfull guardian angels, their lighted inspiration and careful understanding. You will find them with me to form a closer range... closer for truth and reality.


French flag / Drapeau français

Le site

Vous pouvez écouter les extraits des albums:

1-Pure heart, misty capes (a closer range),

2-Long regards (a closer range),

3-Counselling humours (by a closer range),

4-New seasons' anchorage (within range gets closer),

5-Thirteen blooms have convened (from the lasting range),

6-There are further proofs (off the range),

7-Clear waves for a last bunch,

8-Some unbounded journeys.

Pour plus de détail, voir le menu Discographie.
Les textes des chansons en anglais et en français sont tous en ligne.

Me joindre par courriel

Vous pouvez m'écrire dans les 2 langues: français ou anglais.



Ce site eut été impossible à mettre en forme sans l'inspiration éclairée et la compréhension attentive de fidèles anges gardiens, vous les trouverez avec moi formant a closer range... plus proches pour davantage de vérité.

Copyright © Alana CAMUS HOLLAND.

All Rights Reserved / Tous droits réservés.

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All Rights Reserved.
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